Master BootCamp Calls

People who see their business as a job aren't entrepreneurs but technicians suffering from entrepreneurial seizures...? they spend their time working in the business rather doing what entrepreneurs do,  which is to work on the business."?- Michael Gerber - The E-Myth

Master Business Boot Camp Coaching


This Master Business Boot Camp coaching group is for passionate, dynamic entrepreneurial-minded business people, who are ready to do what it takes to increase their revenue by a minimum of 15% or more this year!


Here are some of the topics that we will be covering in our Master Boot Camp!

• Connecting with your Business Mission • Business Structure and Operation Improvement (skills assessment)

• Marketing Strategies/structures (what will work best for your company)

• Leadership and Communication skills

• Strategic Planning (creating direction)

• Time Management and delegating (Are you Busy or Productive?)

• Best Practices of Follow Up

• Getting out of your comfort zone

And much more!

Where do you dream your business could be in the next six to 36 months?

What is preventing you from reaching that goal?


We have sessions open right now on Thursday mornings!

Two 1 ½ hour Master Group coaching sessions per month for an amazingly low Membership fee of $59 per month.

Try it out!



Contact us for a free conference number for the call